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Secondary school building on Torquato Tasso Strasse, Munich

Facts and Figures
Company PORR GmbH & Co. KGaA
Principal Landeshauptstadt München
Location Munich - Germany
Type Educational institutions
Runtime 10.2022 - 05.2024

New home für secondary school building

On the school grounds at Torquato-Tasso-Strasse 38 in the Milbertshofen district of Munich, a new primary and secondary school was built, including an underground car park and basement. In addition, a central building was erected, which includes a canteen on the ground floor, a swimming pool and a double gymnasium on the first floor and an all-weather pitch on the roof. PORR Hochbau Region Süd was commissioned by the City of Munich with the shell construction work for the first construction phase. The Munich building construction team was supported by colleagues from PORR Steel and System Construction and IAT GmbH.

Ground floor connects the units and enables internal access

The design for the new school grounds was created by Braun Architekten. The concept envisaged replacing and extending the existing primary and secondary school with new buildings. The areas used by both schools (canteen, swimming pool, gymnasiums) were also created. In order to fit in with the scale of the surroundings, the building project was divided into three structures: Primary school in the west, central building with sports facilities and secondary school in the east. These are grouped around the central open space with the break areas.

The slab above the ground floor was formed and reinforced for the new secondary school building. The challenge in this construction phase was to form the surrounding in-situ concrete balconies. The reason for this was that they were dependent on the installation of the sheet piling on site and the pipework running under the balconies. Well-timed and smooth interface management was required here.The construction site was only accessible using narrow access roads and the space for storing materials and manoeuvring the construction machinery was limited.


A snapshot of the construction site shows that the project and construction management, shell construction trades, machine operators and construction site logistics of PORR Hochbau Region Süd worked together perfectly.

Each building was given a separate entrance to create its own address. The ground floor serves as a connecting element, linking the units like a platform and enabling internal access. Hochbau Region Süd was responsible for the centre building and east wing.

Meeting deadlines and high quality first and foremost

With a construction period of 12 months, the client's key requirements were adherence to deadlines and high quality through increased tolerances. PORR met these requirements thanks to its many years of experience and a strong, interdisciplinary team.

One challenge was the execution of the escape balconies and stairs in exposed concrete quality - these are usually manufactured and delivered as prefabricated parts. The Munich team mastered this task through accurate work preparation in coordination with the architect and close and trusting cooperation with the subcontractors.

‘Our delivery concept was precisely planned and thought through in advance,’ explains project manager Marijana Karadza. ‘We planned and developed the delivery concept intensively over a period of two months.’

(*video platform Vimeo)