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Mobiliy hub Augsburg main station – eastern building area

Daten und Fakten
Firma PORR GmbH & Co. KGaA
Auftraggeber Stadtwerke Augsburg Verkehrs GmbH
Stadt/Land Augsburg - Deutschland
Projektart Tunneling
Bauzeit 08.2012 - 04.2015

Improves public transport in Augsburg

The mobility hub Augsburg (MDA = "Mobilitätsdrehscheibe Augsburg") has been an ongoing traffic project in Augsburg since 2007. The project consists of five sub-projects, the largest of which is the construction of tram lines 6 and 5 with the aim of making Augsburg's public transport more modern and attractive.

In the eastern construction area of the Augsburg mobility hub, PORR provided the following services, among others:

  • Tramway tunnel in cut-and-cover construction over a length of 80m
  • Cut-and-cover tramway tunnel over a length of 30m
  • Portal structure for tramway tunnel    
  • Ramp construction for tramway tunnel over a length of 120m
  • New installation of combined sewers
  • Extensive relocation of ducts in the central station area with a length of 10.000 m
  • New track construction for the Rheda City tram system, mass-spring system in some areas, approx. 500m
  • New surface construction and dismantling measures

Technical data

  • Tunnel cross-section: Rectangle 9 m x 5 m
  • Excavation pit depth: approx. 15 m
  • Concrete: 5.000 m³
  • Reinforcing steel: 600 t
  • Bored piles: 200 t DN600 and DN900
  • Temporary pit system: 7,000 m² 
  • Earthworks: 30,000 m³