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Company information

Absberggasse 47
1100 Vienna
T +43 50 626-0
F +43 50 626-1111

Register Number: FN 34853 f
Company headquarters: Vienna, Austria
Company Register Court:  Handelsgericht Wien
VAT Registration Number: ATU 14490102
Member at: WKO Wien, Fachgruppe Bauindustrie,
Applicable Law: Gewerbeordnung
Inspecting authority: Magistrat Wien 10. Bezirk (Gewerbe Baumeister, MA 63)
Member state: Austria
Employer Identification Number: 200051916

Management bodies

Supervisory board

Iris Ortner (Chairwoman)
Karl Pistotnik (Deputy Chairman)

Robert Grüneis
Walter Knirsch
Klaus Ortner
Bernhard Vanas
Susanne Weiss
Thomas Winischhofer

Appointed by the Works Council
Gottfried Hatzenbichler
Wolfgang Ringhofer
Martina Stegner
Christian Supper

Group Executive Board

Karl-Heinz Strauss (CEO)
Klemens Eiter (CFO)
Claude-Patrick Jeutter (COO)
Jürgen Raschendorfer (COO)

Shareholder breakdown

Syndicate Strauss Group and IGO Industries Group (50.4%), Free float (49.6%)

Subject of enterprise

PORR AG is responsible for the project planning and execution of construction services of all kinds.

Declaration about the basic direction of the medium

It primarily publishes content from companies in which PORR AG has a stake.

Webdesign, editorial system & support

Group Communications

Absberggasse 47, 1100 Vienna
T +43 50 626-0


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The rate data and other information for stocks of PORR AG presented on this site are provided by Wiener Börse AG. These data are intended exclusively for information purposes for the website visitors and do not represent any investment advice or other advice. Neither Wiener Börse AG nor PORR AG assume any liability and guarantee for the accuracy of these data.