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Albern Harbour Gate

Facts and Figures
Company ARGE Hafentor Albern - PORR Bau GmbH/ANDRITZ HYDRO GmbH
Principal Hafen Wien GmbH
Location Vienna - Austria
Type Special civil engineering
Runtime 12.2019 - 02.2022

Quelling a force of nature

Albern Harbour is located in the 11th district of Vienna and belongs to Hafen Wien GmbH. It has a total capacity of 90,000 tonnes, making it one of the most important grain transhipment points in eastern Austria. Building materials, agricultural produce and steel products are all transferred and reloaded here, too. Moreover, Albern Harbour, which is home to a heavy goods centre for transhipment of single loads of up to 450 tonnes, has repeatedly suffered from flooding. In the most recent incidents, the entire site was under more than a metre of water in 2002 and 2013. Hafen Wien GmbH decided to have a harbour gate constructed to

prevent such occurrences in future, given that they cause millions of euros of damage to the harbour facilities, business premises and stored goods.

The works required to construct the gate were set out in functional specifications and tendered in a negotiation procedure. The project encompasses the planning and construction of the gate structure, including connecting it up to the existing flood defence systems, a pumping station, an operations building and all of the outdoor facilities.