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Access road to OMV Petrom

Facts and Figures
Company PORR Construct S.R.L.
Principal OMV Petrom SA
Location Valea Arinilor, Bacau County - Romania
Type Road construction
Runtime 11.2010 - 06.2013

New connections for OMV.

The bioremediation plant of OMV is located in Valea Arinilor. PORR Construct S.R.L. was assigned the construction of a 4.7km long road to make the plant better accessible for traffic.

The contract comprised all kinds of services from earthworks, the laying of macadam and asphalt, to the installation of geosynthetic materials, soil stabilisation and water drainage.

PORR also executed the works for gabions and retaining walls.

After three years, construction work was successfully completed and the new access road was opened for traffic.